"Satan Pull The Strings" album version is terrible

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"Satan Pull The Strings" album version is terrible

Postby TheseHills1202 » Fri Jun 10, 2016 4:02 pm

I don't understand where they are going with this album version. Blown away at how bad it is

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Re: "Satan Pull The Strings" album version is terrible

Postby Michelle » Fri Jun 10, 2016 10:43 pm

I heard there was quite the discussion in one of the groups about this.. I finally just gave it a listen. I mean.. it certainly is different. I'm not a fan of all that noise.. and I listen to some noisy bands.. It doesn't feel as sincere as the live presentation of the song. I wouldn't go as far to say terrible.. but that swooshy noise mid way through the song sure caught me off guard. It sounds like a remix. I think this may have been better placed as a B-side or extra track. This song live is one of my favorites... I don't think this recording captures the energy you get when you see it live.

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Re: "Satan Pull The Strings" album version is terrible

Postby LeighAnne74 » Sat Jun 11, 2016 5:46 pm

Yes, yes it is.

I've had a day or two to let this sink in and as much as it pains me to say it's terrible, it's terrible.
I agree with Michelle that I could accept it a little more if it was made a bonus track or B side but as a fan who
has been hearing this live for quite some time now and have grown to love it in it's raw form, it's so hard to hear it
the way it's been produced for this record.

Maybe if it was an entirely new song that I'd never heard before then I might be more open to it.
With this being said, I still love this band and I am still looking forward to the new record.
I will still plan my vacations around seeing multiple shows per year.

Nothing is perfect, right? I just really hope this is not the direction they are going with all future recorded material.
I really can't imagine it is. I hope all that "experimentation" is out of their system.... Lol.

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Re: "Satan Pull The Strings" album version is terrible

Postby TheFarleyBomb » Sun Jun 12, 2016 9:17 pm

Oh man, it's finally happened. They need to get far, FAR away from Rick Rubin. It's so sad to hear them trade their authenticity for remixed wannabe pop garbage. True Sadness is right. I'm literally feeling True Sadness after hearing the album version of Satan Pulls the Strings. I never thought they would head down this road... oh well. I guess i'll always have the back catalog and bright spots from this album. But sheesh...this makes me fear for the rest of the album version songs that haven't been put out.

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Re: "Satan Pull The Strings" album version is terrible

Postby Idiotbox » Mon Jun 13, 2016 1:41 pm

Sure, everyone is entitled to their own opinions so in no way am I trying to say anyone is wrong or that they aren't allowed to dislike a song. However, that being the case, I cannot wait for the rest of the album to come out. This band continues to grow, to expand, to try something new. And that excites me more than anything.

Sure, we all came to love this band based on their past catalogue. And it is an amazing catalogue at that. However, I would hate for a band to sound the same and never change. Thing how much this band has been through over the years. How much they have changed. From marriages and failures, deaths and children, they are different people than when they started. I think of the person I was ten years ago and it is like night and day. I am different, my life is different, my musical tastes are different. I'll forever love this band because more than anything, they write songs from the heart, full of emotion and substance. Sure, the sound of the music may be different than the days of touring as a 3 piece band, but you also have to realize that adding new members to the band also means the dynamic will change. 7 people recording and album and giving their unique inputs and helping create something beautiful is always going to change the status quo.

I don't think this all falls on Rick Rubin, he is an amazing producer and I would never complain if this band worked with him on every album. If this is the sound the band chose, there is a reason and it would have happened regardless of the producer. Keeping the same sound and playing it safe would be boring as hell. I'm proud that this band is willing to take risks, try new things, and still make amazing music.

So while I can see where everyone is coming from and why some may be disappointed, in the end my favorite band has a new album coming out in less than two weeks. That is exciting as hell for me. I will take as much as I can get from them, as nothing lasts forever. I, for one, love this new direction and cannot wait to hear the album as a whole.

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Re: "Satan Pull The Strings" album version is terrible

Postby Michelle » Wed Jun 15, 2016 12:29 am

Sure, everyone is entitled to their own opinions so in no way am I trying to say anyone is wrong or that they aren't allowed to dislike a song. However, that being the case, I cannot wait for the rest of the album to come out. This band continues to grow, to expand, to try something new. And that excites me more than anything.

Sure, we all came to love this band based on their past catalogue. And it is an amazing catalogue at that. However, I would hate for a band to sound the same and never change. Thing how much this band has been through over the years. How much they have changed. From marriages and failures, deaths and children, they are different people than when they started. I think of the person I was ten years ago and it is like night and day. I am different, my life is different, my musical tastes are different. I'll forever love this band because more than anything, they write songs from the heart, full of emotion and substance. Sure, the sound of the music may be different than the days of touring as a 3 piece band, but you also have to realize that adding new members to the band also means the dynamic will change. 7 people recording and album and giving their unique inputs and helping create something beautiful is always going to change the status quo.

I don't think this all falls on Rick Rubin, he is an amazing producer and I would never complain if this band worked with him on every album. If this is the sound the band chose, there is a reason and it would have happened regardless of the producer. Keeping the same sound and playing it safe would be boring as hell. I'm proud that this band is willing to take risks, try new things, and still make amazing music.

So while I can see where everyone is coming from and why some may be disappointed, in the end my favorite band has a new album coming out in less than two weeks. That is exciting as hell for me. I will take as much as I can get from them, as nothing lasts forever. I, for one, love this new direction and cannot wait to hear the album as a whole.

I've only given it one listen. i'm waiting until i can sit down and hear the whole album but the more i think about it.. the more i think it reminds me of beck or some of the other bands i listen to.. it's their art.. they can do whatever they want.. when we have a band.. we can make all the music sound the same forever.. if that's what we choose.. anyway.. i think all the weird noises and whatever at the end of the song are maybe an artistic view on "satan" who knows.. but they've changed up a lot of the songs over the years.. this one is no different..i appreciate their bravery on taking a different direction... and if you looked at my cd collection.. this album would fit in to all of it. Yes this is not expected of them.. but perhaps that's how they felt at that moment..and I'm pretty sure they were the ultimate deciders of what the album sound would be.. we need to respect that.

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Re: "Satan Pull The Strings" album version is terrible

Postby rockfordavettnation » Thu Jun 23, 2016 1:42 pm

This is the only time I can recall having so much affection for a live song and not liking the studio version. To me, it's not that it's terrible, it's that the live version is so, so, so much better that it makes listening to the album version pointless.

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Re: "Satan Pull The Strings" album version is terrible

Postby LeighAnne74 » Fri Jun 24, 2016 12:24 am

I think it might be growing on me.... just a little. I just have to keep thinking of it as a separate song and not a replacement to the version I first knew and loved. And after listening to the album in its entirety, I am definitely loving it as a whole.

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Re: "Satan Pull The Strings" album version is terrible

Postby Ballerino » Wed Jun 29, 2016 4:49 pm

Imagine replacing the synthesizer with an accordion or bagpipes. Would this sound okay? No? Well now you know how I feel about the synthesizer. I am all for "growing as a band" (or whatever the excuse is), but this has started leaning toward pop-trash, which is not the direction I would care to see.

Sure, maybe the goal is to be more mainstream and sell more records, and maybe this accomplishes that, but to say that RR has no influence in this decision? C'mon.
"I keep telling myself that it'll be fine, you can't make everybody happy all of the time."

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Re: "Satan Pull The Strings" album version is terrible

Postby emloo » Fri Jul 01, 2016 5:21 pm

At first I was surprised at how different it sounded, but I didn't mind it, and after several listens, I love it.

The one synthesizer song I'm struggling to get on board with it 'You Are Mine'. It just seems all over the place. I've pictured it stripped down and think it could be a great song...but I could do without the space odyssey sounds.

As a whole though, I am really enjoying the album.

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