Follow up to Salvation Song, telling HOW

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Skidi Pawnee
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Follow up to Salvation Song, telling HOW

Postby Skidi Pawnee » Sat Mar 24, 2018 1:39 pm

I am 77 yrs old, and listen to your songs most mornings, and I loved the talk that Scott gave at ECU, I have forwarded it on

Great song Salvation Song, the words, " we came to break the bad, we came to change the world, are inspirational, but not explaining the concept of HOW, they can make this happen. I realize that a songs message has to be limited, because of the structure, so, what if you guys write a series of songs on HOW, the world can address all the major relationship problems that mostly end in tragedy?

In the song, where these words, "We came to break the bad", well what is missing in my humble opinion is the "HOW" do they do it.
Now this all leads to an academic question, of is it possible that the most needed core curriculum is missing from the fifth grade on into college. If true, then teaching relationships is the missing link, because of the obvious reasons, of the traumas of drugs, bullying, divorces, fighting, gangs , crime, assaults, murders & so on.

Answer: what if you craft some of songs around the ideas of Don Miguel Ruiz's Five Agreements. "We came to break the bad", well, this could be a possible way you can supply the HOW and help change the world.

You guys are the best poets I have read in many years, and when it is my time, "No Hard Feelings" will be played many times.

Relationships re not taught anywhere, anymore, since the era of the extended family support has mostly gone away. You can reach the world and be leader in this world problem, and you can "break the Bad" with a HOW and the resulting energy, will reach deep down into your soul, and tell you this just might be what is missing. I can do research to verify these comments and to help with substantiating the need for these song ideas. Cecil Sterne 918-740-3881

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